关于皮皮网盘下载方式关闭的通知 1月23日 编辑 由于高昂的服务器费用支出,将不得不取消提供皮皮网盘的下载方式。 目前大概率仅提供百度网盘(后期大概率会添加其他网盘 找到合适的) 文章链接:https://web.pipiciyuan.com/announcement/26181.html文章标题:关于皮皮网盘下载方式关闭的通知文章版权:皮皮次元 (pipiciyuan.com) 所发布的内容,部分为原创文章,转载请注明来源,网络转载文章如有侵权请联系我们!本文最后更新发布于2025年01月23日 21时34分28秒,某些文章具有时效性,若有错误或已失效,请在下方留言或联系作者
kx 永久会员初级用户lv1 1月24日 It’s difficult to create a Baidu account from outside China, so please set up another method, even though it may be difficult. 喵喵喵?AM@kx 骨灰用户lv6 1月25日 After careful consideration, I have decided to temporarily relaunch Pipi Cloud, but it will only be available to VIP users as we are unable to cover the server costs. Download links will be restored in the short term. kx@喵喵喵?AM 永久会员初级用户lv1 1月25日 Thank you What is the difference between monthly membership and VIP membership? How do I become a VIP member? 喵喵喵?AM@kx 骨灰用户lv6 1月25日 It’s just that memberships have different validity periods and daily download limits. 老阿蛋@kx 永久会员高级用户lv3 1月25日 放什么洋屁,这里是拆哪网站
喵喵喵?AM@kx 骨灰用户lv6 1月25日 After careful consideration, I have decided to temporarily relaunch Pipi Cloud, but it will only be available to VIP users as we are unable to cover the server costs. Download links will be restored in the short term.
kx@喵喵喵?AM 永久会员初级用户lv1 1月25日 Thank you What is the difference between monthly membership and VIP membership? How do I become a VIP member?
喵喵喵?AM@kx 骨灰用户lv6 1月25日 It’s just that memberships have different validity periods and daily download limits.
It’s difficult to create a Baidu account from outside China, so please set up another method, even though it may be difficult.
After careful consideration, I have decided to temporarily relaunch Pipi Cloud, but it will only be available to VIP users as we are unable to cover the server costs. Download links will be restored in the short term.
Thank you
What is the difference between monthly membership and VIP membership? How do I become a VIP member?
It’s just that memberships have different validity periods and daily download limits.